El-Ada provides HIV/HCV testing and Harm Reduction Services at our Boise Community Resource Center located at 2250 S Vista Ave, Boise, ID, 83705, our Garden City Office located at 701 E 44th St, #1, Garden City, ID, 83714, our Homedale office located at 15 W Colorado Ave, Homedale, ID 83628, and through our Outreach Van.
El-Ada provides confidential rapid HIV testing using the OraQuick Rapid Antibody HIV-1/2 test. OraQuick is an oral swab test with results available in 15 minutes. We provide a risk assessment, HIV prevention education, and testing free of charge with no appointment necessary.
*This is not a confirmatory test.
El-Ada provides NARCAN Nasal Spray (Naloxone) free of charge upon request. NARCAN nasal spray (Naloxone) is an Opioid overdose reversal medication. It is legally available to individuals using opioids as well as their friends and family. We are committed to reducing the number of opioid overdoses in our community.
Learn how to use naloxone here.​
El-Ada provides confidential rapid testing for Hepatitis C using OraQuick Rapid Antibody HCV test. The OraQuick HCV test is an oral swab test with results available in 15 minutes. We provide a risk assessment, HCV prevention education, and testing free of charge with no appointment necessary.
*This is not a confirmatory test.
El-Ada provides Harm Reduction supplies upon request to help prevent the spread of HIV and HCV. El-Ada also provides sexual health supplies for the prevention of HIV and other STDs/STIs.
Idaho Department of Health and Welfare Safer Syringe Program​
To Get Tested for HIV/HCV
Call El-Ada at (208) 377-0700 to determine which office best suits your needs.
Once you arrive at our office, you will be screened for testing. A Test Counselor will ask you for general demographic information and you will sign a HIV/HCV Testing and Counseling Consent Form.
To Receive Harm Reduction Supplies
To receive harm reduction supplies such as NARCAN, sharps containers, and/or a wound care kit-- come to our Garden City office at 701 E. 44th. St #1, Garden City, ID 83714.
Once you arrive at our office, you will be asked for some basic personal information and will then be given the harm reduction supplies.
To Access Contraceptives
To access contraception such as condoms, female condoms, lubricants, and/or dental dams come to our Boise, Garden City, or Homedale locations. Once you arrive, just ask for your preferred contraceptive and it will be provided.